
Posted by the lazy knight on 3:17 PM
Ok so here is an exercise in sheer self indulgence. I have copied this pice of tag from a friend's blog (note the word...copied) and filled my anwers in (to whom...i dunno); though i think the next time around, i wud first see the length of the tag before copying. All answers are mine btw...nakal main akal, anyone?

( ) smoked a cigarette (Never have, never will)
( ) crashed a friend's car (Nah, I am quite careful with other people’s belongings)
( ) stolen a car (Jeez…why?!)
( ) been in love (Maybe….maybe not)
( ) been dumped (u need to have relationship for that too happen)
( ) shoplifted (Nopes)
( ) been fired (came quite close though)
(X) been in a fist fight (yup..in school, when I was 6)
( ) snuck out of your parent's house (Nopes)
(X) had feelings for someone who didn't have them back (Over and Over again)
( ) gone on a blind date (Once)
( ) lied to a friend (I try not to)
( ) skipped school (Never)
(X) seen someone die (Cremated some...if that qualifies )
( ) had a crush on one of your Internet friends (Nah…didn’t find one worth enuf)
( ) been to Canada (Agreed I am a half sardar, but no)
( ) been to Mexico (What for?)
(X) been on a plane (Yes!!)
(X) eaten sushi (Yes…didn’t like it too much though)
( ) been skiing-snow or water (Sadly no )
( ) met someone from the Internet (Nopes)
( ) been at a concert (No)
(X) taken painkillers (Loadsa time)
( ) love someone or miss someone right now (Hmm…No)
(X) laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by (Quite often….believe me its enchanting)( ) made a snow angel (In Delhi?! Mate u need to look at the weather pages)
( ) had a tea party (Aunties do such things mate)
(X) flown a kite (Once...with dad, never really took to it though)
( ) built a sand castle (No :( though I v been to beaches galore)
(X) gone puddle jumping (yeah…another one of those simple pleasures of life)
( ) played dress up (No…my memory cant recall a thing like that)
(X) jumped into a pile of leaves (Yes, once at the Lodhi Gardens)
( ) gone sledding (Weather mate!!)
(X) cheated while playing a game (Ludo, trump cards, silent handballs in football, not walking when out in cricket…)
(X) been lonely (Felt lonely at times)
(X) fallen asleep at work/school (Amazingly only at work!)
( ) used a fake ID (Never needed to)
(X) watched the sun set (many times over….beautiful)
(X) felt an earthquake (Yes….the one that rocked Gujarat in 2001 )
( ) slept beneath the stars (Yes…summer nights during childhood in Chandigarh)
(X) been tickled (Infinite times…I am quite ticklish)
( ) been robbed (The Lord have mercy, No)
(X) been misunderstood (Over and over again; don’t misunderstand me, but it wasn’t my fault)( ) pet a reindeer/goat/kangaroo (wud love to pet a dog)
(X) won a contest (quite a few if debates and quizzes count)
(X) run a red light/stop sign (Sometimes…)
( ) been suspended from school (Mate accept it...i was a good kid)
( ) been in a car crash (Thankfully no)
( ) had braces (Again, thankfully no)
(X) felt like an outcast/third person (Felt an outsider on some occasions )
(X ) eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night (Yes Yes!!)(X) had déjà vu (Seems to happen too often for my comfort :( )
( ) danced in the moonlight (Haven’t found anyone to dance with)
(X) liked the way you looked (At times yes…at times no)
( ) witnessed a crime (Not really)
(X) questioned your heart (Do that every day)
( ) been obsessed with post-it notes (No, somehow I have got in the habit of using them)
( ) squished mud through your bare feet (Squished sand…not mud)
( ) been lost (Once in the trade fair when I was 9)
(X) been on the opposite side of the country (Kanyakumari, Nagaland, Gujarat, J&K…been to all corners)
( ) swam in the ocean (Cant swim for nuts)
( ) felt like dying (Hmm…have had depressing moments, but nothing quite so)
( ) cried yourself to sleep (Nopes)
(X) played cops and robbers (Ya…had four cousin brothers when I was growing up )
( ) recently colored with crayons (Shit I am so old!!)
(X) Sang karaoke (Yes, even with my miserable voice)
(X) paid for a meal with only coins (In school yes)
(X) done something you told yourself you wouldn't (Hmm… Yup, a few things)
(X) made prank phone calls (Only when I was 12)
(X ) laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose (Not nose, but out of the mouth like a fountain)
( ) caught a snowflake on your tongue (Sigh….)
( ) danced in the rain (Love getting wet in the rain…dance, no one was there to accompany)
( ) a letter to Santa Claus (Surprisingly, never)
( ) been kissed under the mistletoe (Gee…what a heartburn that question causes)
( ) watched the sun rise with someone you care about (I am a late and a lazy riser)
(X) blown bubbles (Rarely I guess, as a kid)
( ) made a bonfire on the beach (Nopes L)
( ) crashed a party (Na)
(X) gone roller skating (Did a bit as a kid)
(X) had a wish come true (Yes…a few times...the critical ones!!)
( ) jumped off a bridge (Would want to…bunjee jump only please)
( ) ate dog/cat food (why would I do that?? My mother feeds me, thank you very much)
( ) told a complete stranger you loved them (Told one I liked her…but she was a stranger only in half sense of that word)
(X) kissed a mirror (lets not get too much into it)
(X) sang in the shower (Yup…some people have a talent only for bathroom singing)
( ) had a dream that you married someone (nah)
( ) glued your hand to something (I am quite neat with all those things actually)
( ) kissed a fish (I only eat them…that too as pakodas)
( ) climbed a water tower (Im no tarzan… incarnated or otherwise.)
(X) screamed at the top of your lungs (Once when we were playing a group game…had a sore throat for the next few hours)
( X) done a one-handed cartwheel (tried, but stumbled)
( ) talked on the phone for more than 5 hours (2 at max)
(X) stayed up all night (Try studying for CA :))
( ) picked and ate an apple right off the tree (Nopes)
(X) climbed a tree (Ya I guess…when I was between the age of 10-12)
( ) had a tree house (Didn’t go that far)
( ) been too scared to watch a scary movie alone (Nopes…face it head on!)
(X) believe in ghosts (Too rational for that)
( ) have more than 30 pairs of shoes (Only 5)
( ) worn a really ugly outfit to school (They only allowed uniforms :( )
( ) gone streaking (Too shy for that)
(X) gone doorbell ditching (U mean ringing bells and running away…did it once on a hot summer afternoon, got the scolding of my life from my mother)
( ) been pushed into a pool/hot tub with all your clothes on (No one tried)
(X) told you're hot by a complete stranger (Yes but subtly)
( ) broken a bone (Once, the shoulder joint when I was 6)
(X) been easily amused (Ya…I have an easy SOH)
( ) caught a fish then ate it (Kabhi nahin)
( ) caught a butterfly (they are too beautiful to be caught)
( ) laughed so hard you cried (no…what a contradiction that would be)
( ) cried so hard you laughed (No…when I cry I only cry)
(X) cheated on a test (Just once…to no avial… It was the only test I ever flunked)
(X) forgotten someone's name (Many times over…you know they have a name for such a person….Oofle)
( ) French braided someone's hair (What’s that?)
( ) been threatened to be kicked out of your house or been kicked out of your house (Told ya mate, I was a good kid)
(X) loved someone so much you would gladly die for THEM (If you count mom, yes)
( ) cheated on someone (Don’t like the idea)
(X) talk to yourself when no-ones around (Yes…only when I was studyin)
( ) hate someone you once loved (Hate is too strong and dangerous an emotion to harbour )
( ) love someone you once hated (If I dislike someone, it tends to stay)



You tagged yourself :P

Anyhow... im glad people still take the pains to read my blog AND "copy" things!! Though would have appreciated had you hyperlinked the phrase 'friends blog' to my page... free publicity never hurt anyone!

Going by all that you've written... you indeed seem like a nice kid. Way to go... we girls dig that!

quite shameless no? i even made some spelling errors in there....thats blasphemy :) next time i would not forget to offer a link to my source you publicity hound :P
but hold ur opinions just yet....i am not such a nice kid after all

you're refuting a compliment(at ur own risk!) :p

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